neubau eyewear


Welcome neubau eyewear!


neubau eyewear is an independent lifestyle eyewear brand offering a wide selection of optical frames and sunglasses. All frames are designed, developed and manufactured in Austria.

Inspired by urban culture

The brand name neubau pays trib­ute to inter­na­tion­al cre­ative hubs such as Vienna’s Neubau dis­trict, locat­ed in the pul­sat­ing heart of the Aus­tri­an cap­i­tal. It is a place where artists, cre­ative souls and up-and-com­ing tal­ents con­nect; a dis­trict com­pa­ra­ble to oth­ers found around the globe from Shored­itch to Williams­burg, from Le Marais to Navigli.

Sustainable by design

neubau eyewear’s ded­i­ca­tion to style and qual­i­ty goes hand in hand with set­ting high envi­ron­men­tal stan­dards for every­thing we do. Their efforts to stay con­scious of both envi­ron­men­tal needs and excel­lent design is con­veyed in the neubau mot­to SEE & DO GOOD.

The con­scious use of resources and region­al Aus­tri­an pro­duc­tion are at the core of neubau eyewear’s efforts. This not only con­cerns the mate­r­i­al of frames, it includes aspects such as pack­ag­ing, print­ed and in-store mate­r­i­al. neubau eye­wear also sup­ports non-prof­it projects revi­tal­iz­ing nature in urban environments.

neubau eyewear strives to treat our envi­ron­ment with the utmost con­sid­er­a­tion, know­ing that there are already many accom­plish­ments to look back on – but even more that lie ahead. It is their con­tin­u­ous effort to improve.